Picking a Dermatologist. Help!


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Jun 23, 2016

Danielle H.

I've been focusing on my skin for a while now and I've decided that maybe it was time to see a dermatologist. I was just wondering if any one had tips or advice on finding one. I've been thinking about seeing one but I don't know what to look for when deciding. Can anyone help?

Jun 23, 2016

Delara g.

You can get referred to one by your doctor, usually doctors know the dermatologist they refer you to

Jun 23, 2016

Danielle H.

Ahh thank you! :)

Jun 24, 2016

Roz X.

Danielle, I'd hit up Yelp..look at reviews and photos. I'd Google the Drs. at any potential practices, looking for their education background, and specialties. I have a great Derm, but I had to kiss a frog or 2 before finding her. I prefer a Derm with a MedSpa or at least a Dr. that belongs to a practice that can do a surgery if need be, such as remove a mole in-office, for example. I'd look for one that has a highly qualified assistant/s that can cover things like routine visits and filling prescriptions between Dr. visits, which results in less wait time in the office as well as getting in for an appointment. (Mine also bills less for her visits.) Having an Aesthetician on staff also frees up a lot of the Dr.'s time and expands services available to you. It's a nice thing to have an Estie that works with your Derm's team. (I also have a separate Estie for less costly services, such as routine facials or waxing.)

Unless you have a medical skin condition, you might want to work in the other direction...finding an Estie/reputable spa first. Often they can provide skincare for less and also give a Derm referral. Look for one that invests in technology, that has a great social media reputation, but also the experience and education.

My best advice is trust your gut. You want a Derm or Estie that listens to you. Look for patience, an openness to feedback..someone who is concerned overall with your health and not just skin...including your nerves. I can't say enough how important "bedside manner" is to me. You want to be taken seriously. I'm always weary of Drs. who push meds when discomfort is obviously present, who don't explain how to properly use scripts or product use, who don't treat acne as a medical condition.

You can't follow a Derm blindly so ask questions, research what they tell you...listen to your skin. Again, if you don't have an immediate need for say, Eczema or Hormonal Acne, etc. starting with a reputable spa/Estie is a great starting point.

Jun 24, 2016

Danielle H.

Thank you so much for taking to time to reply with so much detail, Rozberry. I don't have a medical skin condintion so I think I'll start with a spa/estie. I will definitely do my resesrch and look for the things you've mentioned!

Danielle H.

England, United Kingdom