What should you do about peeling skin?


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Apr 4, 2015

Kayla E.

So, you're only really supposed to exfoliate so many times a week. But if you still have peeling skin even though you already exfloiated, what should you do next?
Do you just put moisturizer on it, or do you peel it off first?

Apr 4, 2015

Kaitlin M.

Do not peel off your skin, that'll make it so much harder for it to heal and be non flaky. I suffer with dry patches on my face and my best advice is to exfoliate 2-3 times a week and always moisturize after cleansing. I have also found that a vitamin c serum (like the Ole Hendrickson collagen booster one from sephora) has helped my skin become more supple and hydrated. I also think it's a good idea to invest in a day cream and a night cream, so at night you are getting extra moisture. I also like to add a few drops of essential oils into my moisturizer for my neck and chest every night, but you can use that on your face too :)

Apr 4, 2015

Kayla E.

Ah, okay, that's really good to know, about not peeling it off. I'll be on the lookout for vitamin C serums, and I was thinking about getting a night cream already, but now I know I'll do it for sure(: Thanks so much for your help, Kaitlin.

Apr 4, 2015

Kaitlin M.

No problem Hun! I'm glad I could help :)

Apr 4, 2015

Emme S.

Skin peels because it is dry and often exfoliation can make it worse! When/ if you exfoliate, make sure it is a very gentle exfoliation, or it can irritate the dry patches farther. Also make sure to keep your face moisturized and drink a lot of water to help your skin stay hydrated. I hope this helps :)

Apr 4, 2015

Gisell G.

I completely agree with Kaitlin

Apr 4, 2015

Gisell G.

As for a moisturizer I love using jojoba oil, or Argan oil very moisturizing

Apr 4, 2015

Chels M.

I just put aloe Vera gel on before I go to bed, I'm not sure if it works though

Apr 4, 2015

Sisi S.

Use peeling 3 times per week. And for your dry patches, use only moisturiser. Maybe try layering the moisturise on top of it so when it soaks in it will keep your skin and the parts that are dry hydrated. The dry patches Caused by dehydrated skin :) maybe try drinking more water, soaps, vegetables and fruits

Apr 5, 2015

Bri-bri L.

Sometimes you need to just leave your skin naturally peel. It can be just your skin regenerating and recovering from something and it takes time. :)