How to make your eyebrows perfect?


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Jun 6, 2015

Kasi S.

Basically I pluck, trim and shoe my eyebrows e dry day, but I can never get them like Kylie jenners :( help!

Jun 6, 2015

Jay H.

Don't touch them, depending on how they look let them grow & go thread them. they will shape them how ever you want them and they will look flawless.

Jun 6, 2015

Vaishnavi T.

I agree with Jay. you must leave them to grow properly and then go to any professional and get them threaded. plucking is an alternative to make them look good when you have no time to go to professional and have an important event. good luck!

Definitely leave them be to grow out. Your natural brow shape is what suits your face the best so don't try to shape your brows to look like anyone else's. Just let them grow out and then clean them up.