Eyelash Growth And Thickening?


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Jun 7, 2015

Jessica H.

Is there any way I can get my eyelashes to grow and to get them thicker?

Jun 7, 2015

Raluca R.

Ricinus oil is great.

Jun 7, 2015

Hannah K.

The only proven thing is Latisse. Oils, such as Vaseline are bad as they clog hair follicles and cause eye infections

Jun 7, 2015

Tessandra R.

@Hannah is correct, DON't use Vaseline!! It can cause serious eye infections.

Jun 7, 2015

Shanae J.

Hannah and Tessandra are correct.

Jun 7, 2015

Shanae J.

Vaseline is a sealant. Meaning it seals in moisture, which doesn't help with growth at all. Leaving moisture on your lashes cause bacteria to grow and can cause infection. Nothing more to it. Oils also lock in moisture, I don't recommend putting your health at risk when all you have to do is be patient. Your lashes grow and fall out within a month, they don't grow long and stay long forever. Normally I would say for hair growth on your head, to use an oil, but for your lashes, absolutely not. Because oils are good for keeping your hair healthy. Hair on your head. Talk to your doctor about Latisse. It's the only thing.

Jun 7, 2015

Hannah K.

Adding to my comment, pills such as Biotin or hair-growth pills should not be taken without a deficiency. A blood test done by your doctor will tell if you have a deficiency or not.

Jun 7, 2015

Shanae J.

Here on beautylish. You could probably Google some of it as well. I don't have any actual sites, but that doesn't mean they aren't facts. We're both giving our two sense on this topic, I respect yours although I don't agree with it.

Also, I agree with Hannahs second comment.

Jun 7, 2015

Shanae J.

Jessica, just be mindful. Speak with your doctor.

Jun 7, 2015

Shanae J.

You could search in the search bar for previous threads. If I do run across something, I'm sure you'll come to mind! I'll be sure to let you know..

sorry if any of my comments seemed rude. I do agree on oils adding moisture but I wouldn't do it or recommend it.

Your eyelashes shed and regrow every 28-32 days. Latisse is the only thing "proven" to work because it is the only thing doctors can make money off of. I've seen this trend a lot, one person says it and the rest repeat it without actually doing research. They blindly follow pretty much. The leading active ingredient in Latisse is bimatoprost, which is found in other products too. There are bimatoprost eyedrops (prescription), revitalash, Jan Marini serum, xtremelashes lash and brow fortifier (personal favorite) and a few more reputable ones that use the same ingredients in different quantities, which takes longer but helps to aide some of the side affect you get with the higher dosage in Latisse.

Your eyelashes are hair, and like any other hair can only grow to its fullest potential when at its healthiest. Use an easy penetrative oil such as jojoba or coconut oil, scoop some or pour some out into a separate container to avoid contamination, and apply with a disposable spoolie being sure not to double dip. Cleanliness is very important when dealing with the eyes. NEVER USE VASELINE. I have a whole freacking paragraph on that ask around 😉

Also, avoid mascara. Please I can't stress this enough girl you're suffocating your lashes!! Try and avoid it as much as possible with tight lining and what not. It's like constantly wearing heavy product in your hair- no good. When you do wear it, use an oil based remover to GENTLY remove is as soon as possible. Do not scrub at your lashes,
You shouldn't rip them out. There are alternative options such as lash extensions, hut you need to go to a reputable technician (not just a reputable salon, the technician but be GOOD specifically) Eyelash extensions can actually benefit your lashes when applied properly! I can write you quite a bit of information on those as well if you're interested.

Thanks Megan! It almost worries me how information spreads around here, and I definitely think people should do their own research before spreading what they hear!

Jun 8, 2015

Shanae J.

I agree with some of that as well. I really wish people would use the search bar.

Lol just to clarify for you Jessica because I don't think it was overly clear in my first paragraph - Latisse is NOT the only way to grow lashes :)

Aug 8, 2015

J J.

Revitalash is an amazing product. It does not have the harsh side effects as latisse and lasts a lot longer. Latisse was really hard on my eyes and I haven't had a single problem using revitalash and its been years now. It also made my lashes thicker as well as longer with Latisse they were just long and stringy. Mine lasts 6-8 months so I am only buying it twice a year. My office sells it let me know if you're interested we are selling it 20% right now. You will love love love it!