Beauty Trends That You Wish Would Die?!?!


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May 8, 2015

Janette B.

I understand that beauty, along w/ everything else in life, follows certain trends. A few years ago, it was beauty oils, every company was coming out w/ their own version & we all bought the hype (& to this day I still swear by my kate sommerville dilo & JM argan oils), more recently we've had the Kylie jenner over drawn lips & my personal gripe, contouring. Again every company has their own version of a contouring duo, palette, book, etc... & were all following this trend because some kardashian brought this topic to light & we all need to reproduce the look? I personally don't contour, I have a round face, no defined cheekbones, but I don't see the need to DEFINE! I guess to each their own, but it annoys me when every YT grwm video includes people contouring (& w/ bronzer @ that).

ladies, are there any trends as of lately that you wish would die?!?!

May 8, 2015

Alma M.

Jeanette this is a great thread! I hope everyone will join in this conversation. :)

May 8, 2015

Sabrina K.

Uhh such a great topic!! Okay so this Jenner lip thing is definitely getting old - I don't care that people do the overdrawn lips, I actually feel like it can look pretty good when done right! But the sucking on a shot glass just gives me chills!! Why do people do such a damaging thing to themselves!!

May 8, 2015

Breeze T.

It is so true, all of it!!
I personally dislike sharpie brows or Instagram brows... And full coverage products (when done wrong it can look horrific, but it's mostly because a lot of people use it when they don't need it at all!)

May 8, 2015

Kelly V.

Everything that was mentioned! I absolutely hate contouring for everyday make up.
the "ombre brow"...why is it even a thing? it does not look natural at all!
most instagram beauty "gurus" look like they have on drag make up (my opinion!) they are very beautiful women, but the contouring, brows, lashes and over drawn lips are so fake and over done. I see a lot of girls trying to mimic that look and it's just not good. I wish more of a natural look would come back in style (on instagram and youtube).

May 8, 2015

Pamela F.

Yeah I'm not a fan of the ombre brow. just looks obviously fake to me. and orange fake tans with even darker foundation. :(

May 8, 2015

Kim M.

I can't wait for the odd colored lipstick trend to be over. it works on a few oeople, but to me, it's an unattractive look.

May 8, 2015

Pamela F.

Haha I was wearing turqoise lipstick today. I forgot to say that with the dark fake tan the pale pale almost white pink lipstick. looks odd to me.

May 8, 2015

patty s.

Extreme contour, overdrawn lips,insanely long extensions, over bronzed skin.

May 8, 2015

Rebecca J.

I agree with all the above! Contouring and instagram brows really annoy me. I'm all about enhancing what you have not creating fake brows, cheeks, lips etc! Great thread :-)

May 8, 2015

Anna B.

I love the contouring but it's way over use theses days.

May 8, 2015

Shelley W.

I'm with Liz...I'm seeing far too many pumpkin tans on beauties. Another is full-coverage foundation on skin that does even need it. I'm just a sucker for seeing skin versus product. For special occasions I understand (being in front of the camera) but for everyday...I just can't handle it.

May 8, 2015

Nicole A.

Yes the brows I'm so sick of the brows, yes the fake tans as well orange skin all over and god yes the Kardashian looks already so over them.

May 8, 2015

Sam S.

I agree with everything above also. I think odd colored lipsticks can look awesome, if it's used for a blog, pictures, etc. not everyday use. My trend, I'm sorry to say, is the "granny hair". We are all going to end up having it in the future, naturally. Why damage your hair for it?

May 8, 2015

Kailey L.

Sam - YES. I honestly think that granny hair looks really nice on some people, but it just confuses me so much. We're all going to go gray eventually, I'd rather not do it prematurely! But to each their own I guess.

May 9, 2015

Tiffany B.

I don't mean to beat a dead horse but I seriously despise the sephora contour picture that hangs in all the doorways. People think the contour and highlight shades should actually be that light or dark. Ugh stop people!!

May 9, 2015

Alma M.

Tiffany, I just choked on my drink LOL!!

May 9, 2015

Tiffany B.

@ Liz and Alma I'm glad my hatred towards this poster was amusing lol.

May 9, 2015

Nikkie N.

Lol... this post is funny. post the sephora pic @Tiffany.

May 9, 2015

Nikkie N.

For me, personally I'm not the biggest fan of colored eye shadow. It's beautiful don't get me wrong, but for an everyday look... Heckzz No! Give it a rest already. Infact;

Grey dyed hair I'm over it
any dyed colored hair... I'm over it
halo brows... over it
henna tattoos.. over it
stiletto nails... over it

all these instagram boutiques... over it
popular instagram make up gurus...(amrezy, makeupshayla, patrickstarr) over it

Wow I seriously worked up a headache , just typing this lol I actually miss when, less was more.

May 9, 2015

Alma M.

Highlighted to the Max with no real reasoning,Capuchin Realness needs to go! I miss just pretty makeup.Another trend that needs to stop are all these made up makeup techniques people keep spreading.

May 9, 2015

Tiffany B.

@ Nikkie I don't know if this is the exact one but still very similar.

May 9, 2015

Les N.

I absoulety HATE fake/spray tans. Long sharpie & Instagram brows, kylie Jenner lip challenge, orange contour, too bright highlights, over lined lips.
and Nikkie n, you know Patrick star isn't a Instagram make up guru? he makes YouTube videos, and he has a Instagram. that doesn't mean he's a insta makeup guru just because he has a Instagram lol

May 9, 2015

Alma M.

Would the real Patrick Star please stand up ;) lol sorry.

May 9, 2015

Alma M.

LOL!! I'm so sorry Liz hehehe but come on you know you thought of it too LMAO.