Growing out hair and also dead hair?


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Mar 15, 2015

Fae G.

Ok so I'm trying to grow my hair out and I get trims every once and a while but the past few days I've been noticing that my hair is completely dead on like the bottom 3 inches. Shoukd I just go and get like 2 inches cut off just to make it healthy? Will it help it grow faster or something if I do? >~< I've used hair masks and stuff but it's really bad. So yea, should I cut it? Also any tips for growing it out?

Mar 15, 2015

Fae G.

Also guys my hair is thicker on the left side and the left side also grows faster? Idk why but like it's really weird bcuz after a few months there's like a half inch of difference between the sides? So any thoughts as to why that is happening?

Mar 15, 2015

Z K.

For the second post it may have been the last time you cut it and that's why it's growing weird mine does it to, as for the first I'm not sure I know nothing of what you should do if you have split ends I would maybe ask like the person who cuts your hair they might be able to help! hope that helps good luck!

Mar 15, 2015

Fae G.

The last time we cut it we had to cut like a good few inches because I get a weird split thing like when I put all my hair back it's choppy and weird and so we cut it all to make it straight and now it's uneven again >~< it's really weird and ok :) I'll talk to her

Mar 15, 2015

Z K.

Good luck!*^?^*

Mar 15, 2015

Sisi S.

Yes that is good idea. Try talking to a pro and they might recommend some good moisturising masks and treatments. Use conditioner after EVERY wash. Once per week apply moisturising mask on the hair. Or you might want to look for a treatment combo(?). Also you might want to change your shampoo. Also, don't dry your hair with hairdryer, if you must use it, use it will heat protector.

Mar 15, 2015

J L.

Yes cut your hair the 3 inch, all or the damaged hair. If you don't your split ends/damage will just get worse and you'll have to cut more off. You hair won't grow faster, because nothing can make it grow faster. After you cut it to keep it healthy do hair mask, I love just using coconut oil. I'd do it every week. Here are some extra tips to keep your hair healthy: don't brush your hair when wet, use heat protectant, leave in conditioner (gives more moisture), don't wash your hair every day, and do hair masks (:

Mar 15, 2015

Hannah K.

Information regarding hair growth -

Genetics and healthiness of hair

Your hair growth rate and type is down to your genetics. There is no way to grow your hair faster apart from keeping it healthy. Hair masks and deep conditioners can keep your hair healthy and making sure you cut off split ends (otherwise they go further up the hair shaft and cause breakage), Cutting off hair which doesn't have split ends to make it grow faster is pointless as you are cutting off hair which could still grow. A trim every 6-8 weeks is sufficient, however it is better to ask your hairdresser for a 'healthy trim'.
Drinking lots of water keeps your hair healthy.
Try to use less heat on your hair as this will dry your hair out. Don't brush your hair when wet as this can lead to breakage. Another factor of breakage is putting your hair in a bun or ponytail too tightly. Instead, try braiding or wrapping your hair into a headscarf or bandana as it is less likely to damage your hair.

Shampoos, conditioners and hair treatments

Shampoos and conditioners that say they mend split ends are a complete con, there is absolutely no ways to mend split ends. Cutting them off is the only option.
Similarly, shampoos and conditioners such as Mane and Tail are not good for human hair as they are not the correct pH level for us. The belief that they make your hair grow faster is a buildup of wax which causes your hair to be heavier. This leads to your believing that your hair is longer. Using Mane and Tail can cause brittleness which can lead to breakage. In the short term, you may think it is good for your hair. In the long term however, it is not.
You should also try to use sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners. This include ingredients such as Sodium Laurel Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate.

Biotin, Hairfinity and other hair growth pills and vitamins

Biotin and other hair growth pills should not be taken unless you have a Biotin deficiency. This deficiency is diagnosed by a doctor. If you take Biotin when you don't have a deficiency, it can lead to acne, sickness, hospilitisation and even death. A member of Beautylish has had personal experience with this, when a member of her family became ill after taking Biotin. You should be eating enough Biotin-rich foods to not have a deficiency, these include almonds, walnuts, chickens eggs, milk, onions, cucumbers and carrots.
Do NOT take extra vitamins unless diagnosed by a doctor. Otherwise, it can cause another vitamin level in your body to decrease, resulting in the same problems as taking excess Biotin.

Hair thickening or thinning

Your hair type is also genetic. You can make your hair SEEM thicker or thinner (for example having layers put in to increase thickness look). Treatments, shampoos and conditioners which deem to thicken or thin hair are a lie. They can make it appear thicker or thinner, but cannot make it thicker or thinner.

Mar 16, 2015

Shanae J.

Yes, all hair is made up of dead cells but the ends tend to get dry and brittle, then they start splitting, ALL of that needs to be cut, otherwise it'll split even further up to the shaft of your hair, which isn't good, because you'll have to cut even more off. You should get a trim when you notice split ends. That'll keep it healthy. Hair masks, less or no heat, and a good shampoo and conditioner, also sleeping with a silk pillow case and wearing your hair in a loose pony tail. Getting a trim every month like a lot of people do will never give your hair time to grow, so if you want it to grow, only cut it when you notice split ends. Also, people tend to think that one side of their hair grows faster than the other either because it wasn't cut correctly or because your head is slightly tilted, believe it or not, most people have a natural tilt to their head.

Mar 25, 2015

Lin F.

Erin D has told you to do what I did. My hair was damaged by exposure when I had radiotherapy. My hairdresser cut off all the burnt/split ends. She then told me to buy a hair repair system and recommended Pro Naturals. I used this system alongside my normal shampoo & conditioner and now I am one happy bunny -- hair is back to shiny, manageable and no more split ends or frizzled bits. Incidentally I use a blow dryer and a hair styling iron. I ALWAYS use the argan oil leave in treatment after each shampoo and before blow drying and curling.