Changing styles!... Again


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Jan 31, 2015

Lexi F.

Hey so I really want to change my style into kind of an almost nerdy style.
I want it to be slightly cartoonish, or like anime or dolly. How could you achieve that look, like what are some good outfits?

Jan 31, 2015

Camryn L.

Something like this maybe?

Jan 31, 2015

Camryn L.

or this?

Jan 31, 2015

Shiro M.

Do you mean a kind of k-fashion style?

Jan 31, 2015

Hannah K.

I don't know if you mean this sort of look, but this is my friend (she is actuwlly ny friend, I promise). Her look is anime, she dresses like this everyday. I couldn't get more picture bc she doesn't have any more pictures on her facebook (I asked her permission to post them on here). She uses circle lenses and always wears a wig. She wears cute tights with toppers of cats, bunnies, etc. Full circle skirts with white/pink petticoats underneath, lace tops.

Jan 31, 2015

Hannah K.
