Job Interview Hair and Makeup HELP.


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Jan 25, 2015

Skylar H.

I have an interview tomorrow for a Staffing Manager position at an employment agency. The attire is business/professional casual. I am clueless on how to do my hair and makeup though. Ideas? Pictures are appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Jan 25, 2015

Skylar H.

**Also, I would prefer a nude or light lip

Jan 25, 2015

Alexis C.

Keep the makeup light and natural. A light wash of color on the lid, mascara, soft blush, and a nude, light pink, or "my lips but better" color.

For hair do waves/curls or straightened (whatever you prefer) or a sleek ponytail or bun.

Jan 25, 2015

Emily B.

You should search Pinterest if you want pictures. I'm sure they'd have great option!

For just general ideas, I think hair off and out of your face always looks more professional. Like a bun or another updo

Jan 26, 2015

Emily W.

A low ponytail is the most professional, followed by a bun (not a super severe ballerina bun). Alexis nailed the makeup.