Getting ready for prom.


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Feb 11, 2015

Maria L.

So prom is a while away, but I'm going to make my appointments soon. I'm debating on if I should get my hair or makeup done first. I know most people get there hair and then makeup done, but I plan to wear my hair down and I'm afraid it will flop. Also, I'm way more educated when it comes to makeup then hair, so I feel like I could touch up my makeup easier then my hair. Advice? I talked to my mua and he suggested makeup after hair, I feel like I should take his advice but I figured I'd see what you guys had to say!

Feb 11, 2015

Tiffany B.

If you are going to do your hair with rollers I would do makeup first. This keeps your hair out of your face while you get your makeup done. It also allows the hair to cool all the way which should result in curls that hold longer. I'm not a hairstylist though so you can take it or leave it, just my opinion.

Feb 14, 2015

Maria L.

Thank you!