Makeup with glasses?


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Jul 31, 2015

J J.

So I've never had classes before and just got them today. Can I still wear makeup the same or will it look weird?

Jul 31, 2015

Dereanna D.

You can still wear makeup the same.

Jul 31, 2015

Hannah P.

I do mine exactly the same now as when I didn't have glasses :)

Jul 31, 2015

J J.

Thanks guys!

Jul 31, 2015

Ashley D.

Keep in mind that foundation will always separate and look weird around your nose. But other than that makeup looks the same and you can do it that same way you would without glasses.

Jul 31, 2015

T K.

Ashley is exactly right about the nose. Maybe try a setting spray if you don't already if you find it bothers you :) I also find I can get away with bolder makeup when I wear my glasses than when I don't. I feel glasses allow you to actually play up your makeup more so than without glasses, at least in my opinion :)