How to achieve this color?


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Jul 30, 2015

Leslie N.

The color I want is more pinker- purple toned than the red I have now. I use loreal hilights in red and magenta. What should I get or add to get this color without bleaching and/or color removing too much?

Here's my hair a couple of weeks ago before I started trying to wash the color out

Jul 30, 2015

Leslie N.

*this is my hair.
^^^^thats the color I want

Jul 30, 2015

Carmen V.

Your hair is so long?! How did you get it like that and what products do you used to keep it healthy

Jul 30, 2015

Tessandra R.

Definitely more magenta and purple! If you are open to other dyes, you can use Manic Panic! Mixing the colors can give you a color almost identical to it. If you want to stick to your brand, I'd definitely do just magenta or add some purple into it too :)

Jul 30, 2015

Tessandra R.

Here are some pictures of Manic Panics Fuschia Shock! These were done on bleached hair, but I believe since your hair is light that it might work without bleaching. The top right was mixed with vampire red and fuschia shock. The rest were just FS. I hope I helped you! :) Xx

Jul 30, 2015

Kelsey R.

OMG Leslie your hair is so pretty!