How to look older.


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Oct 7, 2015

Kristine N.

I'm currently 20 years of age and almost 21 and trying to find a new style that I'm not. I hate people telling me 16 or 17 years of age. it's bugs me so much. Blazer I can work with but it not me I like sweaters and scarfs and boots.

I'm almost 22 and people ask me all the time what grade I'm in. Honestly, baby face is going to stick with you regardless of what you wear so it's not your style that needs to change and since you can't really make your face look older (makeup can help but only so much) there's really nothing you can do except embrace it. As annoying as it is now you'll appreciate how young you look when you're in your 40's and still look like you're in your 30's (:

Oct 7, 2015

Marleen B.

May I ask why it bothers you.

Oct 7, 2015

Kristine N.

Its find make me feel like I'm still a teenager or younger.

Oct 7, 2015

Marleen B.

What's wrong with that? Are you feeling like you're not being respected?

Oct 7, 2015

Kattya M.

Lol I'm 24 and brand managers call me kid at my office -.- but having a baby face is not that bad really, in few years we'll all want to look younger and we got the upper hand ;3 Also I find make up helps the most.

Oct 7, 2015

Bre H.

I was looking at your pictures and when you have on jeans and a sweater and boots you definitely don't look 16 you look your age.

Oct 7, 2015

Guera G.

Don't feel bad. I'm 26 and I'm always getting carded because employees think I'm underage lol. Trust me, if they still guess you're underage when you're 4 years away from 30, it feels great😁😁 and it really won't matter the clothing style you choose. Clothing and makeup can only do so much to look older. Embrace it while you can☺️

Oct 7, 2015

Roz X.

I still get carded and am delighted. Enjoy it! ;)

Oct 7, 2015

Madame G.

Smoke a lot of cigs and drink hahahaha! jk love

Oct 7, 2015

Roz X.

Madame, I just spit out my water when I read that!

Oct 8, 2015

Rissa G.

I have the same problem! I'm 19 going on 20 and get mistaken for 14-16 lol. It's not a good feeling, people always think I'm my little sister's friend and she is in middle school. Like the other said, right now it may be annoying because we're in in early 20's but I'm sure we'll be loving that when were in 30's hahaha. I tried wearing more makeup and cutting my hair to appear ooder but to no avail, I was once told I look like a kid playing dress up trying to look older so I don't even try anymore...aha.

Oct 11, 2015

Madame G.

haaaha! roz!