Highlighting a long nose?


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Aug 25, 2015

Gabby M.

I've wanted to start highlighting my face lately (not contouring, just highlighting with a shimmery powder) but I find that whenever I highlight my nose it just makes it look a lot longer, which I really don't like the look of. I'm not looking to contour it or anything, I don't mind the width of my nose, just looking for anyone who has tips on maybe the placement of highlighter on a longer nose or something like that? Or should I just not highlight it? I've tried looking at YouTube videos but can't find any for this specific problem.

Aug 25, 2015

Gabby M.

Here's a picture without contour or highlighting

Aug 25, 2015

Gabby M.

Here's one where I contoured& highlighted

Aug 25, 2015

Kat H.

If it's the length of your nose that you're looking to alter, you can contour the tip to make it appear shorter.

Aug 25, 2015

Paulina C.

Just put a tiny little dot or line or a small triangle...on the tip of your nose just not so low! It will make it look shorter!

Aug 25, 2015

Paulina C.

But I think your nose looks great!

Aug 25, 2015

Paulina C.


Aug 25, 2015

Paulina C.

I used to highlight like down my nose and it look weird now I don't! Just the tip.

Aug 25, 2015

Paulina C.


Aug 25, 2015

Aurora S.

Contouring the nose isn't solely about putting it on the sides. It won't work for everyone.
Contour on the sides of the nose is meant for people with flat,wide or short noses.
If yours is longer you focus the contouring on the tip of the nose.
If contouring in general you're not wanting to do you'd have to focus the highlight more on the sides of the nose rather then the center.
The highlight in the center is meant to bring it out and look slimmer/longer

Aug 25, 2015

Aurora S.

Although doing so would help it look a tad wider. I think just contouring the very tip to help create the illusion is shorter would work that way you can highlight how you normally do

Highlighting is a technique used to bring an area forward, while contouring is used to recede. If you highlight your nose it will one bring it more forward, and highlighting the centre while contouring the sides as your did in that picture only causes your nose to become slimmer, elongating it in the process. I would avoid highlighting it at all, but if you do decide you can contour there are techniques to shorten the nose.
Try contouring the tip of the nose, as well as a centimetre and a half up. This gives a more button look and shortens the bridge of the nose without being too noticeable. I would recommend using a fluffy eyeshadow brush for this for precision.
Also remember that your entire face is a canvas, and there is always a bigger picture. You can use the rest of your makeup to draw the eyes away from the nose. Focus your eye makeup upwards on your upper eyelid as opposed to applying lots of makeup on the lower lid. You can also bolden your brows and place a highlight on the brow bone to draw the eyes upwards. Apply your blush slightly lower to focus the eyes on the lower part of your face as opposed to the nose area.

Aug 26, 2015

Maddie M.

I tried photoshopping a "guild" on what I think you should try and experiment with. Basically, a lot agrees with Brittany.

Aug 27, 2015

Gabby M.

Thanks everyone, your advice helped a lot! :)

Aug 30, 2015

Cindy S.

I just highlight the tip of my nose