Best makeup for hooded eyes?


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Feb 4, 2013

Emma T.

I get kinda self conscious about them because they're not big and round and I'd like to know some makeup tips on making them look more open! thanks

Feb 4, 2013

Bailey M.

me too!!!

Feb 4, 2013

Tiana M.

First off, your beautiful, and no matter your eye shape, that is a fact. Second, I am no expert but I have heard white eyeliner on your water line helps make them look more "open" or your eyeliner on top starting halfway across the eye helps to make them apear larger, as well as not adding mascara on the bottom lashes. YouTube has videos for eye shadow placement. And this advice may suck....but it's what I've heard.

Feb 4, 2013

Emma T.

thanks Tiana 

Feb 4, 2013

Andrew B.

im not an expert or anything but this is what ive found works in general

focus on defining the outer eye
underplay the lid (we have lids?)
use the crease and lower brow to make your statement and show off your colour
keep the liner thin lest it gets gobbled into the crease, tightlining works really well

Feb 4, 2013

Cassandra C.

check out my pics. mine are very hooded as well. I use shadow as my liner sometimes. I also look for celebrities whose eye are similar to mine and copy. kristen stewrt is a good one for me.

The most common eyes are hooded. I would suggest using a nude color eye pencil in your water lines. White can be a bit harsh. You can add a highlighted color to your inner tear duct and your brow bone.