Acne and Scars


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Jan 24, 2013

Sanya M.

im 20 years old and only used to get spots on my forehead. in the past year I have caught upon acne over my cheeks, forehead and other random places on my face. Thats the only place I have spots, on my face. Im really sick of it I feel like under stress from Uni they developed in my cheeks otherwise my skin was clear. Ive recently tried a cream with 10% benzyl peroxide which removes acne but I have red scars more than spots at the moment. Also the peroxide cream has made ny skin scaley not dry (its okay to turn dry from this cream) My skin is dull too!! I dont wear much makeup, just concealer and eyeliner but recently I need to wear some light foundation to cover my horrible skin! I remove my makeup before I sleep and try exfoliating but its red marks all over my skin. it knocks my confidence down too. What can I do? x

Jan 24, 2013

Clara R.

it might be worth trying re-gen cream :) it is meant toget rid of scaring and it's a moisturiser aswell :) it works for me! Hope it helps! :)

Jan 24, 2013

Sanya M.

is it a prescribed cream? or can I buy it over the counter? thanks

Jan 24, 2013

Evangeline P.

Maybe over exfoliation? If you know that's not the case maybe try a serum specified for your problem.