Beauty Product Reviews

Omg i love it..My eyebrows were getting too light from Clearasil face wash pads like turning blonde so weird i needed to darken them so i used this eyebrow pencil it looked great and it stay on no smudge or wearing out..Also if u get a messed up wax job on them or u plucked a spot by mistake takes care of the job no one notices..I get complements on my eyebrows all the time some ppl think i got them tattooed..i don't i will ever switch.

My most favorite mascara yet..It really thickens my eye lashes, i use 9x washable..the waterproof i hate its so hard to take lashes are naturally long but kind of thin..when i put it on i use 2 coats sometimes 3..the only thing is if you really want that dramatic false lash look which i want, it doesn't completely full fill that but it does thicken not to the dramatic effect though.I'm currently on the search for one that does

I've been using this for years and i love it..i love how even it covers my face and it looks so natural on me as if i have no make up..I tend to break out at times but when i do it covers just fine.