Mary Kay Cosmetics

TimeWise Replenishing Serum+C

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Luna V.

As a brand, I feel like Mary Kay is a little inaccessible. I understand the concept of buying through a representative, but I would personally rather go to a store and buy it myself, or read up online and order it through the site. Mary Kay doesn't let you do that. It's a big reason I haven't tried a lot of their products.

But my mother always has tons of it laying around since she's a sales rep, so when I'm in a pinch I grab at her stash. I was in the midst of a horrible allergic reaction to another product when I grabbed the Serum+C, a product my mother loves for her eye area. The four vials are meant to be used one per week, and I suppose if you use this all over your face it would work exactly as stated. If you only use on eyes, or spot-treat, these will go way further. Like most serums I've tried, this is a bit loose--not runny or drippy, but more liquid than solid. A little goes a very long way (one squirt did both my eyes with more to spare) and it absorbs quickly, leaving skin feeling fresh.

On irritated areas, this might sting a little. Only a little, I promise. That said, it's probably not recommended for irritated areas anyway. However, it cleared up my allergies in just a few days with twice-a-day use, followed at night by the Age Fighting Eye Cream, which is much richer.