A Look Into My Life- Bullying and To be Bullied :(

  • Added Jan 14, 2012

New Arrivals


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Thank you so much for creating this video Elessa. I think a lot of us have been through this and we don't know that there are other people who feel the same. 

Jan 23, 2012

Shannon R.

Very true about bullying. I was bullied all through school as well. You're so strong for talking about it! Also very true about the wishy-washy friends. It's sad to know that people, even though they are kids, can be so shallow. I wouldn't worry about "being ugly" because you are beautiful! Absolutely stunning. And just so you know, when I was a kid I always wanted Asian eyes... okay, still wish I did. :) I think Asian women, which ever country, are stunning and so elegant. Just like you!