HELP! Scary bumps on my thigh?!?!


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Apr 14, 2014

Kat R.

There are these weird bumps on my thigh and I don't know where they came from!! I just now noticed them! They're not itchy or anything but they're painful if I scratch them and I'm scared does this mean I have psoriasis or something?!?!?! Arghhh :'( they're on my outer thigh like a little less than halfway to my knee :'(

Apr 14, 2014

Kat R.


Apr 14, 2014

Emma Y.

Idk they might just be bug bites/ pimples/ those bumps you get when your skin is dry.

Apr 14, 2014

Ava D.

They look like bug bits.

Apr 14, 2014

Kat R.

But it's just like a patch of them? Could it just be big bites?? I know my skin isn't dry.

Apr 14, 2014

Nicole R.

Looks and sounds like a bug bite to me. Nothing to worry about but since you scratched it, it would be good to clean with a alcohol swab so it doesn't get infected.

Apr 15, 2014

Katrín V.

It could be an allergic reaction in your skin or a reaction to an irritant. If youre using any new products, check the ingredients to check if there is anything that irritates your skin. If thats not the case and the bumps don't go away, see a derm!! xx