Must Haves


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Dec 4, 2012

Felicia H.

What are some must haves in a make up collection

Dec 4, 2012

Shelley W.

You can have all drugstore make-up but as long as you have some great brushes you'll look like a million bucks. Invest in great brushes...especially when it comes to applying foundation, blush,conturing and eye blending. Everything else can be had for cheap. 

Dec 4, 2012

Sheena B.

Revlon lip products:-) I love the colors and variety of finishes and its not over priced. Drugstore stuff can be just as good as some high end products. I have a hard time spending over $20 on one item unless its really worth the extra money. 

Dec 4, 2012

Katrina B.

Red Cherry falsies (: