Help! Nails


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Apr 28, 2014

Anna T.

Do you know how to make nail polish stay longer?

Apr 28, 2014

Isabel M.

Step 1: clean your nails really well.
Step 2: cut them and "shape" them
Step 3: apply base coat (one coat)
Step 4: apply colour (two coats)
Step 5: let them dry untill they are 10000000% dry!!
Step 6: apply top coat (one coat)

An extra tip I have is to apply a new layer of top coat over the old layer every 2/3/4 days (depends on how much you do with your hands). This way you can have stunning nails for a really really really long time. My friend did this, and her nails stayed intact for about 3 weeks. :)

Apr 28, 2014

Anna T.

Thanks guys