Tip for Girls (or guys) With Acne!


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Apr 26, 2014

Emily L.

Do you have really bad acne? I USED to! If your acne is bothering you, it may be because you are allergic to soy! I was reading an article the other day and saw that acne is a reaction to soy! I cut soy out if my diet and now, my acne is almost gone! Please let me know if this helped you. Bye :)

Apr 26, 2014

Bekah S.

I've never heard of that! Hmm I don't have any acne now but I used to have it BAD! I should try that 😋 I went on accutane! Wiped out everything

Apr 26, 2014

Emily L.

I know Megan. I was just saying that if nothing else works for you, it may be because you're allergic to soy!
Bekah. Let me know if this helps!

Apr 26, 2014

Kimberly A.

It's true, not just eating it but check if your skin care product contains it as some do. I used aveeno natural radiance and it made me break out something awful and it was because of the soy it contained.

Apr 27, 2014

Emily L.

@Megan, sorry if I sounded rude!
@Kimberly, Yup! I use and eat all organic stuff now (except for makeup), so my skincare doesn't have anything bad!