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Jul 27, 2014

Tea L.

I have this wound in my hair and it's really painful and itchy. What should I do with it just leave it alone or put something on in?

Jul 27, 2014

Nicole R.

You need to disinfect it with rubbing alcohol and allow it to scab, don't pick at it or try to bandage it. itchy is actually a good thing, that means it is healing, do not itch it though lol.

Jul 27, 2014

Tea L.

I'm afraid my hair will fall out,can that happend? I won't pick it, it's raw.

Jul 27, 2014

Nicole R.

Well how deep is it? if it is really deep the follicles could be damaged but you are probably ok.

Jul 27, 2014

Nicole R.

You just want to keep it from getting infected since if you have to go to the hospital they will most likely cut/shave your hair to properly clean and bandage it :-(

Jul 27, 2014

Tea L.

It's not deep, I noticed it 2 days ago but I thought it will go away,and now I brushed my hair and it really start to hurt

Jul 27, 2014

Tea L.

I will put alcohol on now,thank you so much :)

Jul 27, 2014

Nicole R.

Yeah your going to need to try and not disturb that area do that you can get it to heal. It sounds like it could use a real through cleaning. make a saline solution by boiling water and adding a large amount of salt, wait for it to cool a bit and then pour it over the wound to flush it out. then you can softly clean of the salt with fresh water and then pat the wound with alcohol.

Jul 27, 2014

Nicole R.

Also, once it scabs try not to get the scab wet, I know its hard but a wet scab can very easily get pealed off :-\

Jul 27, 2014

Bella L.

That always happens to me it's usually when you scratch your head to hard or the brush is irritating your head so I suggest clean with some rubbing alcohol and put a band aid before you sleep the important part is to just not pick at it more hope I could help ;D