Christmas nail art! Show me yours!!


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Dec 23, 2014

Isabel M.

Hello lovelies!! I made a little santasuit on my finger and I thought: "why not show a lot of lovelie people what my nails look like!" Okay it didn't really went like that... But here I am, showing you my nails! I'd love to hear what you guys have to say about them and also see your lovelie creations! Btw, my nails aren't as messy as they look on the picture. The camera makes the red polish look uneven... And also, sorry for the awkward positions of my hand, I have some big cuts all over my hand (A little accident at work) and a lot of scars as well (from earlier wounds) which I tried to cover in the picture XD. Thanks in advance and Merry Christmas!!🎄🎄🎅

Dec 23, 2014

Isabel M.

And the white looks really odd in the picture as well. I promise you that is doesn't look like that in real life! Pinky promise ;)

Dec 23, 2014

Makenna C.

I like yours!

Dec 23, 2014

Abby G.

Did these in my mom.

Dec 23, 2014

Isabel M.

Yours look awesome as well girls! @Abby @Makenna.

Dec 25, 2014

Lindsey G.

Very simple but still Christmas themed right?