Skin help 😩😩


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Dec 27, 2014

Belinda P.

Ok basically, around my nose is like really really dry. Like it's almost like burnt dry I don't know? So it's summer where I live (Australia) and I think I have gotten a little bit sunburnt, and at the moment I have been out on duac (if anyone knows what that is 😂) and basically it's kinda dried out my combo skin.. And I think a combination of the little sunburn + the duac has resulted in this? It's really confusing I'm really sorry 😅 I would post a picture but you can't really see any discolouration it's just feels really gross and is flaky.
So if anyone does end up understanding what I wrote, can you help me 😩😭
I'm so sorry this is so awkward 😩 but thank you anyway! Xx

Dec 27, 2014

Sandy M.

Use paw paw

Dec 27, 2014

Belinda P.

I will try thank you ☺️

Dec 27, 2014

Sandy M.


Dec 27, 2014

Gabby M.

This use to happen to me!! What I do is I use my first layer of moisturizer, and make it pretty thin (you don't have to though, just apply as your normally would if your skin isnt too oily) and then apply more at the spots that get flaky :) if in 10-30 mins when the product's soaked in and it still feels dry, apply another thin layer in the parts that are dry and it should be good :) also wearing primer helps smooth it out a lot!!

Dec 27, 2014

Ariana G.

Aloe vera gel may be helpful to use with what Gabby mentioned :)

Dec 27, 2014

Kaylee D.

Indie lee squalane oil has done wonders for my skin!

Dec 27, 2014

Puck B.

Weleda skin food is great too.

Dec 28, 2014

Allie W.

Aloe or a good moisturizer should do the trick.

Dec 28, 2014

Belinda P.

I've tried aloe, maybe mines not that good and I've been layering the moisturiser and it seems to have gotten a bit better! Thankyou for all your replies! 💕💕