Should I go to a derm?


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Dec 25, 2014

Alyssa S.

I know everything if different for everyone especially when it comes to your skin. But I just wanted to share with my beautylish friends first! Ever since I started birth control 3 years ago my skin has been through the works!! It was HORRIBLE in grade ten - I'm talking I felt like I needed to wear a full full full coverage foundation - and it has slowly gotten better since. It's still not at the point I'd like it to be at but my question is should I go see a dermatologist to sort of aid in normalizing my skin and (possible) hormonal acne?

Dec 25, 2014

Shiro M.

Definitely! Going to a derm helped loads with my acne. They will give you the facts of what you need to do to take care of your skin and answer and questions you may have.