Strong healthy hair?!?


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Dec 29, 2014

Mariah C.

So my hair is really thin, like super thin and it always gets damaged pretty quick and I always trim it... How can I make my hair thicker and strong?!

Dec 29, 2014

Kel R.

Don't use heat, avoid products with alcohol, wash it only when needed ( not everyday ). Use treatments at least once a week, don't brush when wet. Avoid colouring/bleaching. Sleep on a silk pillow case.

Dec 29, 2014

Kel R.

You can't make it thicker naturally, because you're stuck with what you're born with unless you use products which can be damaging

Dec 29, 2014

Mariah C.

Thank you Kel that helped a lot!

Dec 29, 2014

Kel R.

No probs :)

Dec 29, 2014

Maria K.

You should eat your greens and make sure that you're getting enough water:) it helped me a lot!

Dec 29, 2014

Mariah C.

Thank you girls so much!! And Hailey what brand of oil do you use? And what kind? Thank you.