Tips for hooded eyes?


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Dec 1, 2014

Kitty S.

I have round, hooded eyes, so I have a lot of trouble doing some looks on my eyes, especially eyeshadow looks. Does anyone have any tips for doing eyeshadow on hooded eyes? Pictures would be helpful, if you have them.

Dec 1, 2014

Isabella K.

Smashbox just came out with a palette and their logo is basically "shape matters@, and they give you a guide of what eyeshadows to wear for each eye shape. I think you should definitely check them out!

Dec 1, 2014

Jocelyn S.

Search "hooded eye makeup" on YouTube and there are a Ton of great tutorials! I watch them all the time because I struggle with hooded eyes as well.

Dec 1, 2014

Kitty S.

Thanks for your help, ladies!

Dec 2, 2014

Bailey G.

I usually blend up and outwards from my eye with eye shadow. But it's all trial and error really, you find what works for you. Look up tutorial videos on YouTube and set a day to experiment and play around :)

Dec 5, 2014

Aurora S.

You could also try double eyelid tape

Dec 5, 2014

Jenny A.

Wayne Goss hooded eye tutorial on youtube changed my life. He also has one for "mature eyes" which is basically when your skin gets saggy it becomes a hooded eye. This is what has happened to me. Alexis is right though it's trial and error to see what works best for you. I try to make a line with my contouring almost like an eyeliner wing that matches up with the end of my brow. I take my contouring shade out beyond where my crease would be. I also kind of carve out or emphasize my crease with a brown matte shade that's just a hair darker than my skin tone. It's subtle but it really helps create the illusion of space there. I blend my contour into this fake crease. Because I have "mature eyes" aka, saggy droopy lids, contouring in a outward wing makes my eyes look more almond shaped and this helps take the edge off the roundness as well.