Acne/Spots Issue Please Help :((


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Nov 17, 2014

Caitlin D.

Hi guys, wanted to ask for some advice as I have some very sore spots on my forehead that are causing me pain when I move my forehead and I don't know what to do:(

I have suffered with acne in the past and have taken antibiotics for it it before. I thought I had it under control as I'm very happy with the state of my cheek area and lower face as it's pretty much clear of spots just left with some scarring however recently I have been getting really sore big red spots on my forehead. They don't ever come out with a white head they are just very sore and big and red. I try to wash them normally and then treat with tea tree oil and occasionally use an ice facial and the next day it looks like it has calmed down but then they come back even sorer and I don't know what to do anymore as they are quite sore.

So if anyone has any advice it would be highly appreciated :)

Nov 17, 2014

Nicole J.

When I get blind pimples, which is what your's sound like to me, I use hot compresses a few times a day. Can take time, but seems to work, for me at least.

Nov 18, 2014

Diana T.

Sounds like cystic bumps - which are usually caused by hormones (for me anyway) and I find using the Mario badescu buffering lotion as a spot treatment helps to reduce the swelling and/or bring it to a head quickly - also tea tree oil can help with redness n swelling as well - otherwise sometimes using a sulfur mask on just that spot over night can help bring it to a head quicker - these usually work for my cystic bumps to help speed up their cycle n get rid of them faster - hope it helps!