Shaving please help


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Nov 17, 2014

Hannah H.

First off I am sorry if this may be inappropriate for some audiences, but when I'm shaving my lady parts I always get little red bumps and I don't know how to get rid of them! Are there any home remedies that you use? Also is there a less painful way of doing this? Thank You so much.

Nov 18, 2014

Shanae J.

I agree with Sandra, and definitely avoid fragrances, douches and good smelling washes, they can cause rashes, yeast infections and other kinds of infections!

Nov 18, 2014

Alicia C.

What cream, gel, etc. are you using to shave with? This could also be what is irritating your skin. I find that the Skintimate creams work the best, they give you a really close shave without irritating the skin and leaves the area super smooth. If you don't have this on hand, you could always use lotion or conditioner in replacement.

Another thing you'll always want to make sure of, is that your razor is never dull; a dull razor will begin to tug and pull on the hairs and you're more likely to cut yourself or have red bumps after the shave.

If you do end up getting the red bumps, try applying a topical treatment that helps the area heal fast. My personal favorite is from Bikini Zone :) Hope this helped, and good luck!