Oily but dry skin 0.o help!!


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Aug 25, 2014

Adriana R.

Each time I get out the shower or wash my face and dry it off it feels so dry! And I know its so suppose to feel like that bc I just dried it off but you can actually see dry patches on my face And then when I put my lotion and make up my face just looks flakey and then it gets so oily I need help!! :(

Aug 25, 2014

Brenda O.

Okay,you definitely have combination skin hehe I recommend getting a exfoliating scrub,so remove all the extra dry skin,and a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated,but one that is for combo or oily skin :)

Aug 25, 2014

Adriana R.

I use the clean and clear and then this scrub.

Aug 25, 2014

Adriana R.

It's cause I also have minor acne

Aug 25, 2014

Brenda O.

St.ives has a green tea scrub,its more gentle and more effective... :)

Aug 25, 2014

Gem L.

Yes st Ives green tea scrub is AMAZING

Aug 25, 2014

Adriana R.

Thanks everyone :)!

Aug 25, 2014

Jessica N.

Just bought the st Ives green tea scrub bc I was having the same problem as you, and it made a HUGE difference. I also pair it with Ponds B3 moisturizer, don't know how much that matters though.