Homecoming Dress Opinions +Shoes, Makeup, Etc.


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Sep 29, 2014

Libby S.

I just got my dress today and I absolutely love it! 😊😊 What do you all think? Excuse my awkward face hahah. The shoes I'm wearing I just tried on to see if the color would look good with the dress. My homecoming is in two weeks and I am wondering what your opinions are on how I should do my makeup and hair and on what shoes I should wear! I am doing my own makeup and I own both the Naked 2 and Naked 3 palettes so looks that include at least some colors similar to those would be great! Thanks so much. 😊

Sep 29, 2014

Maddy R.

either of these

Sep 29, 2014

Maddy R.

But instead of that dark of a lip I would do more of a plum or nude.

Sep 29, 2014

Katie F.

This is kind of the idea I did for my homecoming. I definitely think it will need to go up. I also love that dress and it looks stunning on you!

Sep 30, 2014

Andrea A.


Sep 30, 2014

Andrea A.


Sep 30, 2014

Makenzie S.

I love it😍😍😍😍😍😍 I think you should definitely do a dark red lip- one that matches the color of the dress.