Pop of colour?


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Oct 4, 2014

Roshni N.

Tried out a new makeup look. I wanted a subtle pop of colour underneath my waterline in light blue... Thoughts? And what's the best way to get subtle hints of colour in your makeup?

Oct 4, 2014

Lauren G.

So pretty! I like to do the same thing, it's really subtle but adds something to the look.

Oct 4, 2014

Nella R.

I love your makeup. When I want a pop of color under the waterline, I take a small angled brush, sometimes I wet the brush, put the color on the brush, and use the tip and pack the color under the lashes.

Hope this helps

Oct 4, 2014

Rachel M.

Hey, love your lipstick! What is it? X.

Oct 4, 2014

Fay M.

totally stunning xx

Oct 5, 2014

Jenna L.

K this is a perfect look!
I immediately thought Kim Kardashian when I saw this.
The pop of color is just enough to make it stand out but not be too much.
You're beautiful!