How to get it brighter?


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Sep 19, 2014

Natassia T.

I've dyed my hair reddish (not really, more orange than red) but it's too dark for me. it was black before and I bleached it in strands. My roots are brighter. The first pic is in super sunlight. Second one is inside light. I used paint for wood (sorry, I'm Brazilian an have no idea what's the English for it, or if it's used out of here, here it is anilina). I don't really want to bleach it again. What do you girls suggest?

Sep 19, 2014

Natassia T.

The sun photo

Sep 19, 2014

Natassia T.

Also, in profile pic is very noticeable how brighter the roots are.

Sep 19, 2014

Brenda O.

I actually love how the hair color looks on you :)

Sep 19, 2014

Jack B.

Brighter roots are because the heat from your head "cooks" the bleach and makes it work more. I'm not sure you can get the rest of your hair lighter without applying more bleach to the darker parts, but you can try applying a box dye all over to make it all the same tone? But I actually quite like the reverse ombré look it has, and I think the darker red is really flattering!

PS I'm not positive, but I think it'd be wood stain in English. I had no idea you could use that to dye hair!

Sep 22, 2014

Natassia T.

Jack, a lot of people use it here in Brazil. It's very popular!