Ugh I HATE this.


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Sep 13, 2014

Emma S.

I absolutely hate it when I have zits. I also hate the way it looks, so I pop them. I know it leaves scars but I can't stand it when I leave it there. But almost all of the time, it turns into a scab! Anyway I can make the scabs go away faster?? That what my forehead looks like now, gosh I hate this.

Sep 13, 2014

Emma S.

I know I shouldn't, but I always get embarrassed. It's like it's screaming: Look at Emma's forehead!! There is a huge zit there!
I just have to pop them!

Sep 13, 2014

Gabby M.

I understand where your coming from but overtime trust me you learn that its better to leave them, and only pop them when they're "ready" which you shouldn't have to use much force at all with. When you cover your blemishes with foundation or concealer its also much easier to deal with pimples than scabs! Believe me all picking at them does is make them stay longer, be redder, and over all make he whole process much worse. Keep them just the way they are until you really feel that they're ready to pop (when a lot of the white stuff is on the top) and just put on concealer or foundation in the meanwhile :) if you don't touch them they won't be red or irritated and it'll be less noticeable as well! ☺️👍 hope I helped!

Sep 13, 2014

Emma S.

Yes Gabby I do that. Then it bleeds and turns into a scab. My concealer actually is crappy, it eventually rubs off, and sometimes either looks cakey or it doesn't even show up. But thanks for those tips.

Sep 13, 2014

Kaitlin M.

What are you currently doing for your skin care routine?

Sep 13, 2014

Kat H.

My sister has the same problem! you should don't touch'em anyways I recommend crushing some aspirin tablets and mix them with water to make a paste and apply it on them, or make a mask with some more. and leave it for like 30 to 40 mins it'll really help you heal them.

Sep 13, 2014

Emma S.

Kaitlin, I wash my face as often as I can(sometimes I'm rly busy), I take off my makeup every night, then rub witch hazel on my face every night. I also have a Zit Zapper by Elf. Also, I break out a ton around my period. And btw thanks Kike!

Sep 13, 2014

Becki W.

I see that in your skin routine you are not moisturizing. When you wash your face and tone your skin is left depleted of it's natural oils, therefore making your skin go into overload and producing more oil which could be creating the blemishes in the first place. This could be further exacerbated by the hormonal fluctuations during your time of the month. Moisturizing with a light facial moisturizer will help restore your skins natural oils. I agree with Kike on the aspirin mask for healing blemishes. Hope I helped!

Sep 13, 2014

Lucy J.

Whatever you do, DONT pop them. I know that it is hard because I used to pop them too, but by popping them, you are spreading the dirt from that one pimple underneath the skin around it. So by popping that one zit can cause it to duplicate creating a bigger problem. If your zits get out of control, go and see a dermatologist for help!! Hope that I helped!

Sep 13, 2014

Emma S.

Ok Becki!! I'll start moisturizing!

Sep 13, 2014

Emma S.

Thanks everyone!

Sep 14, 2014

Lindsay H.

Please don't pop them you can get a zit cream to help speed up the process but when you pop the pimple you actually get more pimples around the pimple you popped because all the bacteria spreads and it's not good also ways to help prevent pimples are drinking lots of water ( like lots) changing your pillow case often , eating healthy , making sure your hair is out of your face, not touching your face , washing twice a day ,

Having acne is normal when your a teen my doctor told me that if you have acne when you are a teenager it will go away throughout your twenties but if you don't have it as a teen and you get it in your twenties you will most likely have it until menopause ( this changes with everyone though but that's what keeps me positive about having acne as a teen:)

And I know how hard it is not to pop them but there soooo much more noticeable after you pop them. No one really cares if someone has a pimple so try not to feel like everyone notices it because everyone gets them haha

Sep 14, 2014

Maryann C.

First of all, please don't pop those pimples girl!
I know, everyone wants then off their face but it's a part of life that we have to face. If you feel uncomfortable with your pimples, then my I suggest (if it's okay with your parents, and you) conclear, foundation, and setting powder? Invest in a good one as well. Maybe Bare Minerals? :). But even though you may be covering your pimples during the day, when you get home and wash your face make sure to use a good face scrub. Maybe you should see a dermatologist?

Sep 14, 2014

Maryann C.

Okay:) well that's all I have.

Sep 14, 2014

Charlotte T.

I hope this can help

Sep 14, 2014

Alyssa D.

I would suggest sticking with a routine. If you start using a certain product, STICK with it and over time if it gets worse then you can switch to a different product and if it starts to clear up, continue using the same product. I had to switch to a different product because I used to use proactive and it made my skin worse and now that I switched to a different one, my skin looks much much better and clearer.

Sep 14, 2014

Alyssa D.

And I agree with Becki, moisturize! (Hehe doctor who quote).