Help Growing Nails


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Sep 12, 2014

Nicole T.

I used to bite my nails for yeaaarrs! disgusting I know. I managed to stop and grow them but they break so easily & now I'm back to square one. can anyone recommend a fast working growth and strengthening treatment? Thank you xx

Sep 12, 2014

Samantha S.

Hey! So I have a couple options for you. I have tried sooooo many things to get my nails to stay strong and they rarely work. The best things I have used on myself have been Nail Magic nail strengthener I got from Sally Beauty Supply. I recently have tried using garlic on my nails as well and found that it really helps them to not break and stay strong! This is what I did...I minced about one clove of garlic very finely. Then I got a bottle of clear nail polish, a top coat works fine, I used Sation's top coat. Since it was new I had to pour a little out then I put the garlic in it and it fills the bottle up about half way. My nails are very thin so I gently use a glass nail file (you can get at Sally's) and file in one direction only to prevent breakage. Push your cuticles back, apply the garlic polish as a base coat, do a coat of color if you want or just do another coat of the garlic polish. Let dry and condition your cuticles with cuticle oil (I really like to use coconut oil). I have had great results and a lot less breakage! Hope this helps and works for you too!

Sep 12, 2014

Nicole T.

Thank you so much that's really helpful :)