Bellami lilly hair 260g.


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Jun 11, 2014

Kerry R.

I recently ordered the Lilly hair 260g by Bellami. They are based in California and I live in the uk. I received these within a week of ordering which I was really pleased about. I wore them for the first time at the weekend. I felt through my hair while I was wearing them and found what was like a black thin piece of wire hanging down the length! I tried to blend it in until I got home. As I was gently brushing through them after I'd taken them out and found multi coloured cotton hanging down in a few of the wefts! I ordered the Mochachino Brown colour so the cotton stands out like a sore thumb! There are also what look like fluff mixed in with the hair. When I try to remove this the hair just breaks off! After finding all this I decided to contact bellami via e mail as I'd paid nearly £250 with shipping and customs charges. That's a lot of money invested for hair extensions to not be 100% satisfied! I'm still waiting for a reply from them. It was only yesterday morning I contacted them so I know they may not have got around to replying bit when I've previously e mailed them regarding colour etc.they e mailed back almost straight away! I feel like now they've taken my money they don't want to know.

What's your experience with bellami??

Jun 11, 2014

Kerry R.

This is the wire I cut out.

Jun 11, 2014

Kerry R.

This is the fluff that's stuck in the hair. There's more pics of these fluff bits but not going to post anymore :)

Jun 11, 2014

Kerry R.

It really is Helen! If these were cheap then it wouldn't have been as bad. Don't get me wrong the hair itself is gorgeous but this shouldn't be happening when paying this amount of money! What makes it worse is I'm being ignored!!

Jun 11, 2014

Sarah O.

That must be so aggravating. Good luck on replacing them or whatever you plan on doing. :)

Jun 11, 2014

Kerry R.

Thanks guys. Fingers crossed!

Jun 11, 2014

Grace A.

Soo sorry about that dear try to talk to dem n senddem pics as well , am really sad about this coz a lot of money.

Jun 11, 2014

Symone B.

Honestly, I don't think it's big deal. I just don't. That stuff is most likely left over fromr weft construction. Just cut it off, like you did, and carry on. I understand it's your money that you're spending. But you should pick and choose your battles. That's just not one worth fighting to me. It's so petty. For example, I wear virgin hair (never been processed,and the most expensive hair because is that.) and sometimes it's a gray hair or two in my bundle. I'm not going to send it back and make a fuss over something that little. It's to be expected. If it's a whole bunch of that wire and it can't be fixed, then okay. But I don't see the point if you can fix it. Fix and don't order again. Problem solved

Jun 11, 2014

Kerry R.

I sent them these pictures in my e mail. I was really polite too so no reason not to reply to me.

Jun 11, 2014

Kerry R.

Symone B. These are the first extensions I've ever purchased so haven't got anything to compare it to. I haven't demanded a new set or anything like that. I just e mailed them to show them what mine were like. I just didn't expect things like this when paying so much money. If this is the norm then fair enough but at least a reply to my e mail wouldn't hurt.

Jun 11, 2014

Symone B.

Welcome to the world of extensions. That's just what happens sometimes. There are beards, every now and again thread, gray hair, etc. It just happens sometimes. From $30 hair to $300 a bundle hair. It's when it's an over abundance, is it something to be in an uproar about. I had to find that out myself. But I hope they do reply and all is well

Jun 11, 2014

Kerry R.

Thank you. Where do you buy yours? If you don't mind me asking, how much do you pay?

Jun 11, 2014

Symone B.

My fave is from They are Virgin hair. I wear Peruvian straight primarily. I don't buy my hair all at once because I wear 5 bundles at once. So I buy like $250 at a time until I get my desired look. I'm not fortunate like that lol

Jun 11, 2014

Grace K.

I just got my Bellami extensions as well and there was a lotttt of breakage near the roots. Like, more than there should have been it seemed lol. I chose not to contact Bellami, basically for the reasons Symone said, but I agree that we spent a damn lot of $$ on hair and should receive a quality product. Technically, you shouldn't HAVE to be going in with scissors to cut a wire out of your brand new product, so that's an issue they should fix, however if they for some reason do not, you still have wearable extensions :)

Jun 11, 2014

Symone B.

^ grace, that's called a "beard." Pretty much all weft extensions have that unless you have them custom(and request no beard.) It's just when the weft is constructed and they fold the hair over in the machine. That's not breakage. A lot of girls see that and freak out. Never I did when I first started out

Jun 11, 2014

Symone B.

* even I did

Jun 11, 2014

Grace K.

Symone, thank you so much :) I have almost no experience with extensions, so I had no idea at all :b I was holding the weft up to my boyfriend like "DOES THIS LOOK RIGHT TO YOU??" and he's like "Uhhh...Maybe?" Lmao. I've been wearing them & didn't have any issues so I figured my set just came out weird lol, thank you for letting me know that's normal!

Jun 11, 2014

Kelly V.

Grace, was the ones you ordered enough hair? I'm still debating on getting them. did you have to color them?

Jun 11, 2014

Grace K.

Kelly, I ordered the 160 g "Bambina" extensions, rather than the 220g Bellisima ones after going back and forth between the two foreverrrrrrr! Lol. They are enough hair :) I was worried they weren't going to be at first but it is a lot of hair! Heheh. The 220g will look suuuuper full and voluminous though. Maybe next time I need extensions I will try the 220g! Let me know which ones you pick <3 Also yes lol unfortunately I did have to color them. I looked at their extensions in the red shade but they weren't quite close enough to my hair color so I bought "Ash Blonde" & dyed them :)

Jun 11, 2014

Grace K.

PS @Kelly, thank you for you recommendation on the thread I posted about the extensions! I bought the ones that you suggested & I loveeee them! I was going to comment on your profile and take pictures of them but I forgot to take pictures. Lol. <3

Jun 11, 2014

Symone B.

Lol grace you're so funny! But yeah, it's totally normal.

Jun 11, 2014

Kelly V.

Grace, your welcome! I'm eyeing the Bambina, but I have a really big head and I'm afraid I'll need extra extensions to cover missed spots. lol, I'll never decide!