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May 28, 2014

Anabelle F.

I'm looking for a good clarifying shampoo. I haven't heard a lot about this but I'm wondering if anyone has tried the Herbal Essences Naked Moisture Shampoo. Let me know if this clarifyies or if it is just like a regular shampoo.

May 28, 2014

Ashley C.

Yes, it does what it says:) it worked well on my bleached hair. Cleaned it without stripping it of all of its natural oils

May 28, 2014

Erica M.

You can use baby shampoo as a clarifying shampoo works just as good.

May 28, 2014

Marleen B.

When I choose to clarify which is not very often. I use the old school tried & true Neutrogena (clear formula).. It works well but you definitely have to use a moisterizing conditioner or mask after it. Because it really clarifies & strips your hair of any residual hair products stuck on your hair.

May 28, 2014

Anabelle F.

Thanks ladies! This definitely helps. I love Herbal Essences and I have been wondering about this line if products for awhile now. I haven't ever heard that Herbal Essences causes cancer...

May 28, 2014

Alyx T.

It definitely clarifies. I use it when getting rid of faded hair dye. It washes all the build up away. :)
As for the causing cancer, it doesn't. There are TONS of ingredients that people say are linked to cancer, because someone will get cancer, go "I don't smoke" and blame it on something in their house. FDA can't prove it didn't cause it, but they can't prove it did. My grandfather passed away from lung cancer a few months ago and we spent a lot of time in the cross cancer, a hospital dedicated for treating people with cancer. There was a man there that was convinced that him using a certain lotion (I don't remember what brand) gave him cancer. Police had to get the FDA to do an investigation, and at the end it was something along the lines of "if your body already has cancerous cells in it, then just about any product you use could potentially speed it up depending on the cancer cells, but the likelihood of it giving you cancer is incredibly low and have never been proved or linked thoroughly." People only hear the "it can speed up the cancer cells" and assume it causes it.