Foundation Help please


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Jul 6, 2014

Summer S.

I think it might be the wrong undertone for your skin after it sets.

Jul 6, 2014

Rebecca J.

A good tip to find your undertone is to look at your veins, if they are blue you have a pink undertone and if they are green you have a yellow one but if they are a mix of blue and green then you are neutral. I had the same problem as you, a foundation I used looked very pink on me but when I got colour matched I found out I had a neutral undertone so I generally stay away from pink undertones. Try a neutral based foundation or yellow one :)

Jul 6, 2014

Summer S.

Well said Rebecca

Jul 6, 2014

Rebecca J.

Thanks Summer :)

Jul 6, 2014

Rebecca J.

My veins are blue too and I also burn then tan and I have a neutral undertone so it sounds likely that you have one too. You should try get a sample of one and see how you get on with it! :) what foundation do you use?

Jul 7, 2014

Fazila S.

I too have blue veins and don't tan but burn in sun but I am from India (asia) so I have a yellowish color to my skin despite of undertone. So I tried mac nc20 and was a good match. So mayb try a warm toned foundation it may help.