How Much Gap Should Be There For Hair Coloring Again?


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Jul 12, 2014

emme a.

I colored my hair in april, I want to color again because my ombre's end has been finished because of cutting.

how much gap should be there for re-coloring again?
as coloring frequently will damage the hairs and I don't want.

how much gap there should be?

Jul 12, 2014

Meghan B.

The general rule of thumb is six weeks

Jul 12, 2014

Bry R.

It really depends on the person and the condition of the hair. I dyed my hair an auburn in 2012 and earlier this year I went to dye it burgundy and it just washed out soooo... I don't know.

Jul 12, 2014

Shannon B.

You should defiantly be fine if the last time you dyed it was in April.
After 6 weeks of dying hair you can definitely dye it again. I have done it after two weeks before.

Jul 12, 2014

emme a.

Okay thank you, let me know that I dyed my hairs brown.
but now I want black hairs with brown highlights, for this I have to color my hairs black or I should wait for natural black hairs?

Jul 12, 2014

Shannon B.

Well you don't have to wait. It's all up to you. If you want black with brown highlights since you said your hair is brown. Leave sections out that you don't want to dye for the highlights and then dye the rest black. Then you don't have to use bleach to get the brown highlights.

Jul 12, 2014

emme a.

Oh nice idea shannon :D

but promise me it won't damage my hairsss :(
because after dying hairs, as compare to before my hairs are less healthy and less silky.
I'm afraid of coloring again, but on other hand I want to get it done! :\

Jul 12, 2014

Bry R.

Well you can do conditioning treatments so it won't be as dry :D.

Jul 12, 2014

Rachel B.

Honestly it depends on the condition of your hair. I have gone days before redying, and I have gone months :)