Is Getting Your Hair Permantently Straightened Worth It?


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Jul 10, 2014

Emma S.

Question states itself. I don't want to spend a huge amount of money, and then my hair be curly again in a few weeks.

Jul 10, 2014

Cece H.

I had it done and it has been amazing!! It is DEFINATELY worth the price if you think it is for you think about it first though. Mine has lasted quite a while but you have to really care for your hair after as it can get a little dry.
It may not be right for you but I was jut sick of straightening my hair everyday

Please ask if you have any questions xx

Jul 10, 2014

Kendra H.

My friend had it done and it looked really great! It stayed straight for a while and it seemed really worth the money. Be aware though, her hair was extremely damaged after. She was already using heat everyday and was dying her hair and the chemicals from the permanent straightening apparently caused a lot of breakage and such. I'm not entirely sure if I'm explains it all correctly but I can ask her. I know she used deep conditioner and oil treatments to help with the damage.

Jul 10, 2014

Emma S.

@Cece H. And @Kendra H. How long would it stay in? Is it actually permantent or will it last only a few weeks?

Jul 10, 2014

Zoe M.

No I got it it lasted a week the. Got curleier and my hair was short it was a des aster

Jul 11, 2014

Jeasica R.

Yep is totally worth it if you do it with the right methods and take care of it. My friend got it and she has tje curliest hair I have seen and it lasted like 2 months. It is totally worth it!!

Jul 11, 2014

Kendra H.

My friends lasted 3 months but the stylist told her depending on hair type it could last 2 weeks to a few months.