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I'm currently a photography student and i was wondering what is the best way to photograph beauty images, specially the eye's on a model... any ideas?

Dec 6, 2011

Ana M.

Ill model for you!!!

Jan 12, 2012

Jane W.

Preferably in a studio.
I usually have a light set up infront of the model and above looking down, with a beauty dish attachment. Get the model to hold a reflector under their face to get rid of harsh shadows under the chin.
Also have a fill light, with preferably an umbrella (or a softbox if a softer light is needed) coming from one side. Play around with adding a reflector on the other side.
Beauty photography can vary alot. I've done shoots with just one light, and some with three lights. It all depends on what looks your photographing, model skintone, background ect.