Bh Cosmetics vs. Coastal Scents?


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Dec 1, 2010

Ava P.

Can anyone tell me what the difference is? I have the 1st edition of the Bh cosmetics and I am totally IN LOVE with the product!

I have the coastal scents palette and I'm IN LOVE with that lol.

There really is not much difference. They both offer the same product just different variations. 

Dec 5, 2010

Misty H.

There is no difference. Well besides the name. They are all bought from a wholesaler and resold with different names and packaging.

Dec 5, 2010

Amanda K.

i find they're both crap lol

Dec 6, 2010

Lena N.

there's no difference. they're both the same thing. save your money and go for the cheaper one - coastal scents


Ava P.
