whats a good affordable camera


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im looking for a good affordable camera for taking pictures and creating videos. anyone know of any? 

that really depends on what you consider "affordable" and what your skill level is. For an entry level camera, that takes great pics and shoots video, Canon's point and click power shot is a good buy. If you want a higher quality, yet still easy to use video camera, those new HD flip cameras are AMAZING and very affordable. Hope that helps.

Do a little research on Canon, I find that canon makes quality products.

thanks for the info, im gonna look into that hd flip! i have a nikon that tends to make eyeshadow look washed out even in good natural lighting! 

what kind of Nikon? if it's an SLR, it could be set to the wrong ISO or Shutter Speed, which is causing the washed out look. If it's a regular point and click, my guess would be the flash or flash setting. The HD flip is a BAD ASS little camera. I adore it, and I use it to teach my intro to video students so they can experience HD without having the shell out major bucks. Hope it works out for you! 

i shoot with a fujifilm too but as you can see in my puctures i wish it was more clear cost an arm and a leg and i still get average videos but picture wise it does wonderful!!

lol you know what. my camera is so freakin old i havent bought one in years. i think its time to update this thing and get a new one for christimas. its a nikon coolpix 5600. lol it takes great pictures but crap quality video. i think im going to get that hd flip!sounds like it would be perfect for what i want to do. thanks ladies! :)