Photo Watermarks


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Do any of you beauty's know any tips on adding a watermark or text to your pics?

Since I've started blogging recently I'm taking more pics than usual and want to make sure that I mark them as mine.

Thanks so much for your help!

Nov 12, 2011


I use photoshop to add mine to my images :) If you don't have photoshop, there may be an option in paint ... not sure though! 

Thanks so much DJ M!! I don't have photoshop but I'll see if there is an app on my Mac that can do the same as Paint. :)

Nov 12, 2011


You're welcome! Good luck ;)

i use they have a bunch of different edit tools on there pretty good as far as free photo editing goes

Thanks so much ladies!

@Smashley I never thought to torrent the program. Thats a great idea! Thanks again!

Hi Ladies! I just wanted to chime in here and give a couple of recommendations. On Beautylish if you would like the opportunity for your work to be featured on our homepage, which is a great way to get exposure for your wonderful artistry, I recommend not using a watermark. I completely understand the need to protect your work though :)

Thanks Jasmine!

Nov 16, 2011

Fab K.

I use mac'11. When you edit your picture, click annotate, then text, them adjust the opacity of your text. I use white font and adjust the opacity to 15%, I think. You can play around with it. Hope this helps you.

Nov 16, 2011

Joyce S.

I use PhotoShop too.

For the sake of being convenient, you can do up an image/text of your watermark prototype, then create a brush of it. That way, you can just use your personalized brush and stamp on your image instead of writing the same old text/watermark on your images. 

Nov 16, 2011

Rai C.

I use Paint Shop Pro to edit my photos. 

Nov 16, 2011

Sharon G.

If you use apple, they have an app called iWatermark. You can choose font, colour, size or even pics to create beautiful's dead easy! Good luck! X

Thanks so much ladies!

Iwatermark by apple is good or photoshop.