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Jul 9, 2011

Lisette G.

So, I bought this product last year and only used it once or twice. I busted it out today and I remembered why I don't use it...BECAUSE IT SUCKS!

I'm doing all the right things and following instructions {its not that hard} but the stupid rubber stamper won't grab the polish from the plate! UGH, I'm soo irritated right now, I want to scream! Any advice on how I can get this to work because obviously I'm doing something wrong!

Help me! :/

Jul 9, 2011

Jeny W.

I never use mine either, I can't get it to work right. When I do get it on the stamp it doesn't transfer right to the nail. Maybe someone else knows the magic trick.

When I got mine, It didn't work AT ALL! but then like 2 years later I tried it again and it worked wonderful! I remember how frustrated I was when it didn't work but I just put more polish on the plate and lightly scraped off the extras so you don't grab the paint that's on the design. When you use the stamper make sure you press really hard onto the plate so you can grab it all. I have to go really fast at it to make it perfect. That's what I had to do anyway. Hope this helps! =)

Jul 9, 2011

Mai L.

If you're having problems with the rubber stamper, file it down gently with a nail buffer. Don't press too hard on the plate, a gentle press should work fine but you can experiment with it. Make sure the stamper is nice and clean too between each stamping.

Jul 11, 2011

Jyz R.

+1 for Mai's suggestion!

i have the Konad and i bought it it early 2009. I had problems too! Just gently file that rubber stamper and use a light hand pressure ;)

Sep 4, 2011

Lisette G.

thanks for the advice ladies :)

Sep 9, 2011

Courtney L.

Glad to know im not the only one who was completely frustrated the first time!! Mine goes nuts sometime but i found that using pure acetone instead of regular nail polish remover helps and also ive tried to use it with other polishes but the actual Konad polishes work the best.

Sep 9, 2011

Korie S.

You just have to make sure you work quickly when scraping the excess polish off and transferring it to the stamper. If you work too slow, it will dry up. And same for what Mai said, make sure the design stamps are clear of left over nail polish or else the design won't show up.

Dec 1, 2011

Justine B.

I have the large plate and I love it. Sometimes the stamp wont pick up the image, all you need to do is file down the stamp, use the special polish, work quickly and practice, and I'm sure you'll love this (: 

Dec 1, 2011

Anneka F.

It took me like 2 weeks of constant attempts to make it work haha. I found you need to a) work quickly, b) use a really opaque polish, and c) press down really hard.

Practice practice practice. haha. 

I bought mine in las vegas and was impressed i never had to file mine the first dozen times i used it but i did notice if i didnt clean them then wash them with regular soap and dry them after removing the nail polish they spotted working properly as well.

i also had to file the rubber stamp for awhile too, try using a different nail polish and see if its your nail polish that came with your kit :) i dont use mine often because it is very time consuming unfortunately but i bust it out from time too time!