My Face Is Oily.


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Apr 7, 2013

Ceddrica T.

My skin is very oily what to do?

Apr 7, 2013

Sarah N.


Apr 7, 2013

Ceddrica T.

I tried it broke my face out.

Apr 7, 2013

Ceddrica T.

Broke my face out

Apr 7, 2013

Hannah N.

Use a plain bar of soap twice a day pat it dry then moisturise, I have oily skin and acne it's what my doctor told me I should do:)

Apr 7, 2013

Katarina M.

I'm the same way :/
But recently I found a routine that had worked wonders for my face!! Here It is:
1. Clean off makeup with ponds cold cream (green jar)
2. Cleanse face with neutrogena's fragrance free transparent facial bar
3. Put on Freeman's avocado&oatmeal clay mask for 5-10 minutes
4. Then I put clean&clear's deep cleaning astringent (oil free— pinkish orange color)
5. I use clinique's dramatically different moisturizer all over my face.

If you want you don't need the ponds cream or the astrigent, they just help keep my skin extra clean. But ALWAYS moisturize, even for oily skinned people like you and me. Hope I helped [:

Apr 7, 2013

Sarah M.

Okay well it sounds like your allergic to most things
You can try Clean and Clear but if that doesn't work I suggest getting facial wipes and using that. It's not the same but that's all I know for an answer

Apr 8, 2013

Rhiannon P.

Pre-cleanse the skin with oil. First pat water onto the skin and follow with an oil (like Sunflower, Jojoba, or Olive oils) and lightly rub into the skin. This is very beneficial because oil removes oil. Moisturizing is very important because the skin produces excess oil if it senses that there is a limited amount.
Plus side! Oil acts as a protective barrier for the skin. So you are less likely to develop fine lines and wrinkles as soon as someone with a dry skin type!

Apr 8, 2013

Shauna S.

Don't put soap on your face, it's extremely drying and it's horrible for your skin over time. For you it will most likely be trial and error. Your skin seems to be very sensitive like mine, I swear I've tried every brand of face wash out there and it made me break out. What I use is Simple Skincare products and it works amazing. I use their gel cleanser and then their toner. Toner is very important since it balances out the ph levels of your skin and should reduce the oil. Then I finish with their hydrating light moisturizer which absorbs well and is non-greasy. I hope this helps!

Apr 9, 2013

Sarah D.

Milk of magnesia! my face is very oily it usually starts to oil up within 2 hours... I started putting milk of magnesia on my face and my face doesn't get oily until like 6 hours and when it does its barely!