Darkness Under Eyes


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Apr 10, 2013

Ashley S.

I have been having the same problem concealing the purple under my eyes. I use yellow concealer, which is suppose to cancel out the purple and then put a concealer my skin color on top. I read online yesterday that I need a corrector concealer, which will help completely cover the purple circles. Hope that helps! Xo.

Apr 10, 2013

Luna B.

I've head that there some creams for that.. but I'm not sure about it, so try to look up online or ask in a cosmetic store :)

Apr 11, 2013

Abby B.

If you still you get dark circles after a long night of sleep, that means your dark circles are hereditary. Use a yellow toned corrector to cancel out the purple. I just bought the Nyx HD Concealer in Yellow to brighten up my eyes and it's awesome. It was only a couple dollars too :)