Benefit " They're Real"


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Aug 12, 2013

Katharina C.

I bought the mini , and used it for my first time today , and I'm not super happy with it , I used the same amount of coats as " better then sex" And let me say I'm sticking to my too faced mascara! Didn't really like the brush, and my lashes got really stuck to each other , thankfully I only spent $10.00 on it 😄

Aug 12, 2013

Katharina C.

Aug 12, 2013

Shauna S.

Aww that sucks that you didn't like it. I thought it was amazing, not clumpy and gives amazing length.

Aug 12, 2013

Katharina C.

Awe I wish I got the same results ): I'm glad it works for you Shauna 💗

Aug 12, 2013

Natalie T.

I'm not overly thrilled with it either! I love benefit's badgal lash and have been using it for as long as I can remember-about 10 years, so I purchased a whole size they're real and wasn't too impressed. I do like using it on top of my bad gal lash though... but not so much as a first layer or by itself.

Aug 12, 2013

Katharina C.

Thanks Natalie ill deff try Badgal lash! And ill try it with another mascara just wanted to try it by itself first ☺

Aug 12, 2013

Lynzie B.

I agree with the bad gal creates volume for my lashes... I don't like the brush on they're real...

Aug 12, 2013

Michelle B.

Is badgal vegetarian friendly? I have been looking for a better mascara and have not been happy since the body shop discontinued my favorite. :(

Aug 12, 2013

Natalie T.

Michelle, honestly, I'm not certain. Upon searching google, I did find this question and answer set, but perhaps someone on here will have some more, solid research or a proper answer for you.


Hello, I was wondering if your cosmetics contained animal derived (including insects) ingredients. If so, do you have a list of those that you make that are vegetarian and/or vegan friendly. Thank you. This email is regarding the Our Products. Thanks


Thank you for your inquiry regarding this very important issue.
Benefit Cosmetics does not perform or allow animal testing on bulk or finished products. In addition, Benefit Cosmetics does not request that its product manufacturers test on animals. However, we do not make any claims to be vegan. We try to formulate all products without animal derived materials–however, since there may be elements or trace elements of animal derived materials somewhere in the chain of materials used, we cannot say that our products do not contain any animal derived ingredients/materials, as we cannot guarantee this 100% throughout all products as a blanket statement.
In conformity with European rules, tests on ingredients are not done on animals when other methods exist to ensure the safety of those ingredients. If you have any other questions, please let us know.
Thanks for your interest in this matter and for shopping with Benefit Cosmetics.

Kristie Black
Benefit Cosmetics Customer Service

Aug 12, 2013

Michelle B.

Wow! Thanks Natalie! That actually helps a lot! Most places wouldn't even say that much, that is pretty awesome of them. I will keep looking around until I find something I am happy and comfortable with. :)

Aug 13, 2013

Kelly M.

I've been thinking about getting this for sometime. I probably won't now. But I am dying to try too faced better than sex, and tartes lights camera lashes.

Aug 13, 2013

Kaite P.

Kelly, I use Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes! and I LOVE it, its the best mascara I've used. Lots of volume and length(:

Aug 13, 2013

Bryanna L.

I loved it. and the bad gal lash. maybe you did something different? I've never heard complaints until now.