Accent Nail


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i really like the ring fingernail as an accent nail trend thats been going on.
recently I've seen people accent the ring finger and the thumb.
wondering what everyones opinion on this

Jul 4, 2012

gabbyy H.

I think it's. Cute expeccially when you have like a white and put glitter on the index finger omg cute ! I am not the biggest fan of the thumb ..

Jul 4, 2012

Onyx B.

I love it! I think its fashionable! 

I'm crazy about accent nails! I love it! If I paint my nails "plain" I would also do the accent nail thing! I like to have thumb and ring finger on one hand and on the other index finger and pinky in a different color:)

Jul 4, 2012

Paola B.

I like it and it's a pretty old trend that's coming back....but then when I get it done I don't like it on myself :D

Jul 5, 2012

Latia C.

I love having an accent finger whenever I'm doing a manicure. Even if every nail is the same color, I try to make my ring finger a little different as my accent nail.